Tell Congress To Put People Over Polluters

Big Oil-backed politicians are doing exactly what you’d expect them to do: claiming to support clean energy, while preparing to give massive new handouts to Big Oil.

Under the guise of “permitting reform,” they’re proposing a few changes on things like transmission lines to cover up huge giveaways to oil and gas. We wall want to build clean energy as fast as possible — let’s do it without deepening our dependence on fossil fuels.

We must stop these dirty deals and fight for real policies that support a clean energy future, not a dirty fossil fuel past.

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A polluter's wishlist

Proposals like the “Manchin-Barrasso” permitting bill contain massive giveaways to Big Oil that could lock in decades of fossil fuel pollution. These dirty deals:

Give big polluters free rein to build dangerous projects wherever and whenever they want
Silence frontline communities by rolling back critical environmental review processes for harmful fossil fuel and mining projects
Give handouts to the fossil fuel industry, accelerating their record-breaking profits

Our future at risk

We must build a clean energy future, not the dirty fossil fuel past.

Big Oil-backed policies would set us back, putting everything at risk — a strong economy, the health and safety of families across the nation, and clean air and water. We need President Biden and Congress to listen to communities, reduce harmful pollution, and combat the climate crisis.

The dirty deals would slow clean energy development by giving preferential treatment to dirty fossil fuels
The dirty deals would fast-track dangerous fossil fuel projects that pose a serious risk to health and livelihood, particularly in frontline communities
The deals directly undercut massive gains made by the Biden administration and exacerbate the climate crisis by locking in decades more fossil fuel pollution
The dirty deals are another form of environmental racism, forcing more fossil fuel projects on the predominantly Black, brown, Indigenous, and low-income communities who are on the frontlines of pollution

Maintaining the pause on LNG exports

This February, President Biden took a historic step forward on climate by pausing all new Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) export facilities to review their impact on the climate, communities, and consumers. Since then, more data has come out showing how LNG exports are dirtier than coal, pollute frontline communities, and raise prices for everyday Americans.

No wonder some Big Oil-backed politicians are trying to use the guise of “permitting reform” to repeal Biden’s pause on LNG exports and force the Department of Energy to fast track approvals. They don’t want the public to know the truth: more LNG exports aren’t in our national interest.

Keep Big Oil out of Clean Energy

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